Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Good morning, Friends!

I'd like to thank all of you who have taken time to visit me here on "Back Porch Adventures!" since it was launched this Sunday, May 15, 2011! I have had a wonderful response from you all and the words of encouragement are just a blessing! Hmmm, I wonder who's getting blessed more? You or me?

It's so exciting to see how life in the Kingdom of God brings us all together in many different ways and how each one of us really do have something to offer! Papa is all about blessing us in every area of our lives and even though He sometimes uses a supernatural means to do so, I've learned He'll probably use my neighbor, someone at work, my daughter or even something as unexpected as a rose, a painting or even a donkey to bless me! He is God! And He's definitely not limited in creative expression! Don't you just love that about Him? I do! I want to be just like Him when I grow up!! :)

This morning as I was reflecting and giving the Lord thanks for the privelege and honor to have lived here in Redding CA, and attend Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, I saw this picture of a field that had been plowed, cultivated and sown with seeds superior to all others in quality. I don't really have a full idea at this time all that this crop is going to produce however, these seeds have a promise attached to them. Isaiah 55:11 states,

It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
These seeds have been guaranteed to produce 30, 60 and 100 fold! I saw some of these seeds as plants already coming up and having the buds of the fruit hanging on them. Others were barely out of the ground and still others haven't even broken the soil yet, however, I know these too will prosper.

What I feel this picture is revealing is all that's been sown into our spirits this year is still being processed. The truths, the principles, and the wisdom in how to apply it all is being nurtured and developed by Holy Spirit. And as there is a demand for something Holy Spirit will recall it to our rememberance and it will sprout up or already be in place ready and ripe for us to pluck and serve! I believe this will be a timeless crop as this has not only been sown into our present but also our future for we will not be the only ones that benefit but also those after us.

To my fellow students of BSSM, if there is a small chance you feel you may not have received all you think you wanted to this year, I share this with you to be encouraged! I believe this picture is an illustration of what is happening in us right now even tho we may not see or feel anything to prove it to our natural senses. There has to be time for the seed to germinate! I believe as we continue to walk in faith believing, exercising and stewarding what we have, as there comes a demand for something Holy Spirit will rise up within us and we will have the Word that's needed for that time!

So I just release to you a spirit of power and sound mind in knowing you have received more than you know! And as you walk out your faith and take those risks I remind you that you are equipped with everything needed for the time it's demanded. Christ has given you every spiritual blessing! You are an heir of God and all He has is yours! Run in your destiny releasing His Presence so that the kingdoms of this world become the Kingdom of our God!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! and Godspeed Sisters and Brothers!
